University of Zagreb
School of Human and Social Sciences
10000 Zagreb
Ivana Lučića 3


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The Web Moja stranica


This Home Page has thousands of links: primarily to my books, papers, translations, audio lectures, ppts, etc. But out of experience, I would say people log here in search for some interesting mind bites on the net.

Head towards "mythbusters", or to "Netizens". If you really want to know more about me, there are links to my CV, bibliography, my papers and books, to what I like and dislike in science, society and on the net.

What I strongly dislike, you may see on my "damned alley" page. Mostly, it is an anti-Žižek site, and the site with my comments on the recent (domestic - i. e. Croatian) social events.

Hundreds of further pages are dedicated to my students only (and for copyright reasons closed for public). They can be found via Moodle link. Thousands of links and radio tabs are collected at my netvibes page. One day they will all be here. But until then, follow the netvibes icon above.

Controversial and interesting sites from the Internet are to be found via "interesting links" (i. e. Netizens). They are a kind of an internet diary. (At least when I have time to update my page.)

Merry browsing!




      Page was created in March 2010.